Calamotropha parvispina Kim & Qi & Wang & Li 2023, sp. nov

Autor: Kim, Yongnam, Qi, Mujie, Wang, Shuxia, Li, Houhun
Rok vydání: 2023
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8009081
Popis: Calamotropha parvispina Kim & Li, sp. nov. (Figs 23, 45, 65) Type material. Guangxi: Holotype ♁, Yangmei'ao (25.29°N, 109.31°E), Rongshui County, Liuzhou City, 1240 m, 27.VII.2015, leg. MQ Yang et al., slide No. KYN21305. Paratypes: 4♀, same data as holotype (Except 2♀: 27.VII.2022), slide Nos. KYN21376, KYN21496; 1 ♁ 1♀, Yangmei'ao, Huanjiang County, Hechi City, 1180 m. 23–25.VII.2015, MQ Yang et al., slide Nos. KYN21375♁, KYN21300 ♀. Diagnosis. The new species is similar to C. sienkiewiczi Bleszynski, 1961 and C. sperlingi Li, 2019 in forewing pattern and female genitalia. It can be distinguished from C. sienkiewiczi in the male genitalia by the the valva having a dorsoapical lobe that bears an apical denticle, and the vesica with 13–14 cornuti; in C. sienkiewiczi, the valve has a narrow sclerite along anterior half of the apex that bears a denticle directed to the costa, and the vesica has 19–20 cornuti (Fig. 48). And it can be distinguished from C. sperlingi Li, 2019 in the male genitalia by the gnathos without a process, and the apex of the valva concave at middle; in C. sperlingi, the gnathos has a large spiniform process laterobasally, and the apex of the valva is rounded (Fig. 49). Description. Adult (Fig. 23). Wingspan 22.0–23.0 mm. Frons and vertex white. Maxillary palpus brownish orange basally, white distally. Labial palpus white on inner surface; first and second segments brownish yellow, third segment white except brownish orange at middle on outer surface. Antenna with scape white dorsally, orange ventrally; flagellum white dorsally, brownish orange ventrally. Patagium, tegula and thorax white, patagium with two longitudinal brownish yellow stripes on dorsal surface. Forewing white, brownish yellow along costal margin; medial fascia brownish yellow, W-shaped horizontally, excurved at anterior 1/4 and 3/4, incurvated into angle at middle; medial speckle dark brown, situated at incurvated angle of medial fascia; subterminal fascia brownish yellow, sinuate obliquely outward to anterior 1/3, then oblique inward to dorsum; apical spot semicircular, brownish yellow, before it placed a brownish yellow streak extending to anterior 1/4 of termen and parallel to subterminal fascia; terminal margin brownish yellow, with four evenly spaced black dots on posterior 1/3; fringe golden, luster. Hindwing white, terminal margin pale brown; fringe white. Foreleg brownish yellow; mid- and hindlegs white, tarsi brownish yellow and white. Abdomen white to greyish white. Male genitalia (Fig. 45). Uncus wide at base, narrowed to basal 2/5, distal 3/5 uniformly slender, obtusely rounded at apex. Gnathos broad basally, narrowed distally, reflexed at distal 1/3, obtuse at apex, about 1.5 X length of uncus. Valva sub-rectangular, slightly narrower distally; costa narrowly banded, with a dorsoapical lobe bearing an apical denticle; ventral margin slightly concave at distal 1/4, with a sclerotized L-shaped band from base to basal 3/4, then extending obliquely to middle width of valva; apex concave at middle, forming two short lobes: dorsoapical lobe narrower, with a denticle apically, ventral lobe broad subtriangular, rounded at apex. Pseudosaccus digitate, about 2/3 length of uncus. Saccus wide basally, narrowed distally, concave at middle of apex; as long as uncus. Juxta U-shaped. Phallus slender, twice length of valva; vesica bearing a row of 13–14 spiniform cornuti, becoming longer and larger toward apex; ductus ejaculatorius arising from basal 1/5 of phallus. Female genitalia (Fig. 65). Papillae anales ovate. Eighth tergum twice length of apophyses posteriores. Apophyses anteriores short and small. Lamella postvaginalis 2/3 length of eighth tergum, narrowed to posterior 1/3, posterior 1/3 equal in width, rounded on posterior margin. Antrum with posterior 2/3 broadened, subparallel laterally, anterior 1/3 narrowed and wrinkled. Ductus bursae membranous, slender; ductus seminalis arising from between antrum and ductus bursae. Corpus bursae ovate, longer than ductus bursae; signum absent. Distribution. China (Guangxi). Etymology. The specific epithet is derived from Latin parvi- and spina, referring to the small dorsoapical spine of the valva in the male genitalia.
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