A 'Good Death' for Children with Cardiac Disease

Autor: Kenneth Pituch, Emily E. Johnston, Elizabeth D. Blume, Katie M. Moynihan, Emily Morell, Sonja I. Ziniel
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Pediatric Cardiology. 43:744-755
ISSN: 1432-1971
DOI: 10.1007/s00246-021-02781-0
Popis: Children with heart disease often experience symptoms and medically intense end-of-life care. Our study explored bereaved parents' perceptions of a "good death" via a mail survey to 128 parents of children with heart disease who died in two centers. Parental perceptions of end-of-life circumstances were assessed by closed-ended questions including level of agreement with the question: "would you say your child experienced a good death?" and open-ended comments were contributed. Medical therapies at end-of-life and mode of death were retrieved through chart review. Of 50 responding parents, 44 (response rate: 34%) responded to the "good death" question; 16 (36%) agreed strongly, 15 (34%) agreed somewhat, and 30% disagreed (somewhat: 7, 16%; strongly: 6, 14%). Half the children were on mechanical support and 84% intubated at death. Of children with cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) at end-of-life, 71% of parents disagreed with the "good death" question compared with 22% of parents whose child died following discontinuation of life-sustaining therapy or comfort measures (OR 9.1, 95% CI 1.3, 48.9, p
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