Role of biosynthetic dressings in treatment of superficial burns of II-IIIa degree

Autor: A A Alekseev, K Z Salakhiddinov
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Kazan medical journal. 94:487-491
ISSN: 2587-9359
DOI: 10.17816/kmj1955
Popis: Aim. To improve the treatment of patients with burns, provide the protection and creation of an optimal «wet» environment for wound healing. Methods. Results of «Biokol», «Biokol-gel» and «Gelepran» regenerative complexes use to treat burn wounds of II-IIIA degree were examined. 75 patients with burns of II-IIIA degree involving 4 to 80% of body surface were examined. Patients were divided into 2 groups. The first group (main group) consisted of 40 patients who were treated using «Biokol» wound dressings and «Biokol-gel». The second group (control group) consisted of 35 patients in whom «Gelepran» hydrogel wound dressing was used. Treatment results were evaluated on the basis of clinical, cytological and microbiological examinations of wound content. Results. 4-5 days after treatment initiation a significant decrease of pathogenic microorganisms detection rate was registered in both groups accompanied by edge epithelization. The rate of Ps. aeruginosa, Рroteus, Kl. pneumonea detection varied from 2.5 to 5% in patients of the first group and from 2.5 to 8.5% - in patients of the second group. No cases of St. viridians detection were registered in patients of the first group. Cytologic picture was described as inflammatory in 76% of patients of the first group and in 59% of patients of the second group, as inflammatory-regenerative in 24 and 32% of cases accordingly. On the sixth day of treatment the detection rate for the inflammatory type of cytogram has reduced, resulting in reduction of neutrophils count to 62% in the first group and to 72% in the second group. An increase of fibroblasts number reaching 30% in the first group and 23% in the second group was also observed, corresponding to the clinical course. Conclusion. Combined use of wound dressing and gel (regenerative complex) showed the best result. «Biokol-gel» created a moist environment activating wound cleansing of residual fibrin and necrotizing tissues and reducing the epithelilization time compared to the «Gelepran» wound dressing. «Biokol» also acted as a mechanical protection and provided the maintenance of favorable conditions in the wound.
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