VECSEL for 3D LiDAR applications

Autor: Stephan Gronenborn, Johanna Kolb, Markus Herper, Michael Miller, Holger Moench, Xi Gu
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Vertical External Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers (VECSELs) IX.
Popis: Upcoming applications like indoor navigation, 3D object recognition or autonomously driving vehicles have increased the demand for high-resolution 3D LIDAR systems. The time of flight (TOF) technique for distance measurement in combination with a scanning system requires a beam source with low divergence and high peak power in pulse operation. The detailed application and its operating distance define the output peak power. Furthermore, the needed distance and lateral resolution leads to a maximum pulse length and beam divergence of the light source. Parameters like wavelength, pulse shapes and repetition rates can be derived from the interaction between source, receiver and environmental conditions of the LIDAR system. For a scanning 3D-LIDAR system for consumer or autonomous applications with a working distance of 1-200m, a diffraction-limited beam with pulses in the nanosecond regime is needed. The external cavity of VECSELs allows decreasing the divergence and simultaneously increasing the active area and as a result, the maximum output power. By using electrically pumped VECSELs in a modulated operation, one can achieve the demanded pulse conditions. Low duty-cycle operation allows using significant higher peak current pulses and generating much higher optical peak pulses by pushing the thermal rollover point to higher currents. The external cavity as well as the combination between electronic driver and VECSEL design shows a significant influence on pulse shape and limits the overall performance. This paper will show a first prototype of electrically pumped VECSEL for LIDAR applications and different measurements and investigations of electrically pumped VECSELs in short pulse operations by electrical modulation.
Databáze: OpenAIRE