Multiple Criteria Optimization of Radio-Electronic Structures Based on Interval Deviation Analysis of Design Parameters in Heterogeneous Measuring Scales

Autor: A. K. Grishko, I. I. Kochegarov, S. A. Brostilov, Evgeniya Danilova, Dastan S. Yergaliev, A. V. Lysenko
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: 2020 Moscow Workshop on Electronic and Networking Technologies (MWENT).
Popis: A technique for multiple criteria choice of the preferred design solution is considered at the stages of testing prototypes for radio-electronic systems, when measured and controlled design parameters deviate from the values of the specification. Some of parameters and quality indicators of technical specifications may initially not have clear values, and they are refined in the process of subsequent design stages. It is difficult for designers to objectively compare improvement in the value of a certain criterion with deterioration in the value of another criterion. Thus, it is proposed to use an integrated application of decision making theory methods, the theory of fuzzy sets, and interval analysis methods. The proposed method takes into account deviation of measuring information of the designed system and various types of uncertainty associated with heterogeneity of the parameters and their measurement scales. Optimization of design decisions by a heterogeneous vector of quality criteria involves applying values of membership functions, showing the degree of proximity of the implementation option of the design solution to the optimal option, instead of coefficients that take into account the importance of the criteria. The technique allows obtaining a solution to the problem of choosing the optimal design of electronic systems according to the results of the analysis of measurement information more reasonably and at low cost, as well as reducing the number of repeated design stages, time, and financial costs for research and development activities.
Databáze: OpenAIRE