Morphology and dielectric properties of Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3 thin films on annealed (100) MgO

Autor: E.J. Cukauskas, Steven W. Kirchoefer, Wontae Chang
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: Journal of Crystal Growth. 236:239-247
ISSN: 0022-0248
Popis: Thin films of Ba 0.5 Sr 0.5 TiO 3 (BST) have been deposited by off-axis sputtering on high temperature annealed (1 0 0) MgO substrates. The MgO substrates were annealed in air for 5 h each at different temperatures in the range of 950–1280°C. Steps on the MgO surface were first observed for annealing temperatures at 1000°C. Additionally, outgrowths from the surface were observed which contributed to the measured rms surface roughness. The maximum step height and rms surface roughness occurred in the vicinity of 1140°C. The BST films were deposited at 550°C on the annealed MgO substrates and post annealed in oxygen at 780°C for 8 h. X-ray diffractometry showed the BST grain structure to be predominantly (1 1 0) and the lattice parameter relatively independent on the MgO annealing temperature. The grain size observed from atomic force microscopy was 100–150 nm. The relative dielectric constant and tuning increased in magnitude for BST deposited on MgO annealed at or above 1145°C.
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