Instrumentation to Understand the Child Protective Services Decision-Making Processes

Autor: Donald J. Baumann, Alan J. Dettlaff, John D. Fluke, Dana M. Hollinshead
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Decision-Making and Judgment in Child Welfare and Protection
DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780190059538.003.0004
Popis: When children come to the attention of the child welfare system, they become involved in a decision-making process in which decisions are made that have a significant effect on their future and well-being. The decision to remove children from their families is particularly complex, yet surprisingly little is understood about this decision-making process. As a result, instrumentation has been developed and adapted over the past 20 years to further understand variations in child welfare outcomes that are decision-based and, in particular concerning the removal decision, in order to provide a more thorough understanding of the intersecting factors that influence caseworker decisions. This chapter presents research and the development and use of this instrument, drawing from the decision-making ecology as the underlying rationale for obtaining the measures. The instrument was based on the development of decision-making scales used in multiple studies and administered to child protection caseworkers in several states. This effort is part of a larger program of research that seeks to better understand decision-making processes in child welfare systems in order to promote fairness, accuracy, and improved outcomes among children and families.
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