Hardware validation of an adaptive optimization algorithm for tap delay wavefront

Autor: Laurie L. Joiner, Gregory Reynolds
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: PLANS
Popis: Some of the biggest investments surrounding Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receivers are the development and integration of adaptive nulling technology. Researchers, developers, and integrators need to understand the effects these nulling technologies have on the navigation receivers and systems using the modified RF output, and their ability to suppress undesired signals. Due to the sensitive nature of the GNSS spectrum, outdoor testing of Anti-Jam (AJ) electronics and Controlled Reception Pattern Antenna (CRPA) technologies are difficult, expensive, and often cause schedule delay. It is becoming more important to develop cost effective means to evaluate adaptive nulling advancements and their effects on the receivers with which they are being integrated. Aside from open air testing, this evaluation and integration is best accomplished through modeling and simulation techniques. This paper investigates a method of using a Steiner tree model to relate the per-element phase errors of a simulated wavefront and their effect at the system level. Theory developed [1] to expand the possible angle of arrival (AoA) simulation options through a series of untraditional tap selections will be implemented in a series of digital and hardware simulations.
Databáze: OpenAIRE