Transmission ofXylella fastidiosasubsp. pauca ST53 by the sharpshooterCicadella viridisfrom different source plants and artificial diets

Autor: Nicola Bodino, Vincenzo Cavalieri, Maria Saponari, Crescenza Dongiovanni, Giuseppe Altamura, Domenico Bosco
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: The sharpshooterCicadella viridisL. (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) is the most common sharpshooter in Europe and, given its xylem feeding behaviour, is considered a potential vector of the plant pathogenic bacteriumXylella fastidiosaWells et al. (Xanthomonadales:Xanthomonadaceae). We testedX. fastidiosasubsp. pauca ST53 (Xfp) transmission capabilities ofC. viridisadults, namely i) acquisition efficiency from four host plant species – periwinkle, milkwort, lavender, alfalfa – and from two artificial diets (PD3 and Xfm), ii) inoculation efficiency to periwinkle at different times post acquisition from different plant and artificial diet sources. The main European vector species –Philaenus spumarius– was used as a control.Cicadella viridiswas able to acquireXfpfrom periwinkle, milkwort, and lavender, although with low efficiency (3–16%) and from artificial diets (23–25%). Successful inoculation on periwinkle was extremely rare, being observed only three times, following feeding on milkwort plant and PD3 artificial diet sources. Our study shows thatC. viridisis not a relevant vector ofXfp, given the very low transmission rate in controlled conditions and the inability to feed on olive. The low efficiency reported here sums also to ecological constraints (mainly monocots host plants, humid environments) that make difficult to forecast a relevant role in dispersingX. fastidiosa, at least within the present distribution of the exotic bacterium in Europe. However, a possible role of this species in spreadingXfin other agroecosystems, e.g. vineyard and stone fruits grown in humid areas, cannot be excluded.
Databáze: OpenAIRE