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Background: Durvadi Ghrita is a Sneha Kalpana which is claimed to be effective in Madhumehajanya Timira (Diabetic Retinopathy). In present study, it has been used for Nasya. Objective: Present study was planned to look out on herbal drugs used in the preparation of Durvadi Ghrita and standardization of drug by pharmacognostical and physicochemical parameters and HPTLC evaluation. Methods: Identification and authentication of all the raw drug was done by pharmacognostical study i.e. morphological characters, organoleptic characters and powder microscopy. Physicochemical evaluation and HPTLC of final product were done. Results: Pharmacognostical study of all the raw drugs of Durvadi Ghrita showed presence of oil globule, prismatic crystals of Durva. Lignified branched trichome, pollen grains of Utpala Kinjalaka. Trichome, border pitted vessels of Manjishtha. Collenchyma cells, border pitted vessel of Elvaluka. Lignified fibres, oil globules of Sita. Pitted fibres, pitted vessels of Usheera. Scalariform vessels, prismatic crystals of Musta. Pitted vessels and lignified fibres, crystal fibres of Chandana. Lignified cork, and stone cells of Padmaka etc. Pharmaceutical evaluation of Durvadi Ghrita showed results Specific Gravity 0.9125, Refractive Index 1.47, Acid Value 0.4608, Iodine Value 11.45 and Saponification Value 128.856. High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography, 12 spots were found at 254 nm and five spots were found at 366 nm. Conclusion: Identification and authentication of herbal drug used in the preparation of Durvadi Ghrita has been done. Pharmacognostical and physicochemical evaluation of prepared drug has been carried out which can be further useful for standardization of Durvadi Ghrita and other clinical researches. |