Experience of Using Online Technologies in Transport Education

Autor: G. Yu. Timofeeva, A. F. Smyk, T. M. Tkacheva
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: World of Transport and Transportation. 19:230-245
ISSN: 1992-3252
Popis: The objective of this article is to identify pedagogical technologies traditionally used in full-time education, which found their place when educational formats changed in the era of digital transformation. The discussion concerns the project method, the case method, the analysis of the digital footprint, the use of game teaching methods, virtual laboratory work, various types of Internet testing, methods of collective search for a solution to the problem. The application of the considered methods in learning the Physics as a discipline at Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University (MADI) constituted the empirical basis of the study.The design method turned to be the most effective and developed one. Its application made it possible to organise participation of students of 1–2 years of study in educational and research work under the guidance of lecturers who are related to physics and the chosen fields of training at MADI. It is shown that as a result, students acquire the skills to search and select the necessary information, learn to complete project work on time, prepare presentations, write scientific texts both for presenting them as oral reports and as texts of scientific articles. Possibilities of using electronic registers are described, in which both attendance at classes and performance of tasks are recorded, and the time factor (indication on whether the work was completed on time or was late) is considered. The article studies the use of a point-rating system to control current assignments, and also provides description of developments by the teaching staff of the department on organisation of an oral exam and test in physics in an online format.
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