Impact of Performance and Subjective Appraisal of Performance on the Assessment of Technical Systems

Autor: Mathias Wahl, Swantje Ferchow, Martin Krippl, Matthias Haase, Jörg Frommer
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Lecture Notes in Computer Science ISBN: 9783319395098
HCI (1)
Popis: Technical systems of the future are companion systems. These systems should be individualized, adaptive and accommodating. In order to create this technology, detailed evidence about users' behavior is needed. In this study, user-specific factors user performance, subjective appraisal of user performance and user characteristics are examined in terms of their impact on user satisfaction. In the WOZ experiment "last minute", 130 subjects interacted with a simulated speech-controlled technical system and had to complete a specific task. Over the course of the experiment, the subjects had to cope with different challenging situations. Using bivariate and point-biserial correlations, significant correlations for age and NEO-FFI personality dimension extraversion on a user's assessment of the simulated system were determined. Consequently, the postulated model could not be empirically proven, but provides important information for future studies .
Databáze: OpenAIRE