Interrogating Gender Neutral Voices for Robots

Autor: Seaborn, Katie, Pennefather, Peter
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.17605/
Popis: Voice is an essential feature of many robots that interact with people. This aural medium acts as means of communication but also conveys identity characteristics, even in robots. Gender is one such characteristics. Previous research has shown that people will unknowingly ascribe gender to computer voice and robots (see the work of Nass, Moon, and colleagues as well as Seaborn et al., 2021). Yet, robots do not necessarily have a sex/gender, and may even have non-human genders (Søraa, 2017). This has led to the notion of gender neutral robot voices: neither masculine nor feminine, but somewhere in between, in the binary model of gender. Still, what gender/s are ascribed can vary by person, context of use, role of the robot, and more. In short, gender is interpretive and contextual. Additionally, gender cues can be embedded in the design of the robot body, influencing how the voice is perceived (Sutton, 2020). This rapid review critically surveys the literature to capture the state of art on gender neutral voices in human-robot interaction. In particular, we interrogate the very idea that robotic voice can be neutral and explore alternate ways of approaching gender/ing through the aural characteristics of robotic communication with people.
Databáze: OpenAIRE