Cadena de valor de las empresas de producción y procesamiento de cárnicos de la ciudad de Cuenca

Autor: María José González Calle, Juan Manuel Maldonado Matute, Katheryn Fernanda Sinmaleza Quezada
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Bolentín de Coyuntura. 1:8
ISSN: 2528-7931
DOI: 10.31164/bcoyu.22.2019.717
Popis: This research aims to analyze the value chain of meat production and processing companies in Cuenca. The qualitative methodology presented by Hochrein, Glock, Bogaschewsky and Heider (2015) was applied. In addition to the application of questionnaires and interviews for the lifting of the value chain. In conclusion, the value chain has weaknesses and strengths in all links, but the one that has the most negative impact is the human resources link, companies must take improvement actions to turn these disadvantages into an opportunity to improve. Keywords: Value chain, competitive, meet production sector. URL: DOI: References: Chase, R., & Robert, J. (2011). Administracion de Operaciones Produccion y Cadena de Suministros. Mexico: McGRAW-HILL. Frances, A. (2006). Estrategia y planes para la empresa: con el cuadro de mando integral. Jensen, M. (2000). Value maximization and the corporate objective function. Breaking the Code of Change, 12(2), 37–57. Hochrein, S., Glock, C., Bogaschewsky, R., & Heider, M. (2015). Literature reviews in supply chain management: a tertiary study. Management Review Quarterly, 239-280. Kaplan, R., & Norton, D. (2008). Execution Premium. Espana: Ediciones Deusto. Porter, M. (1991). Ventaja Competitiva, Creacion y Sostenimiento de un Desempeno Superior. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Rei Argentina S.A. Porter, M. (1985). Competitive Advantage - Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance. New York: The Free Press. Porter, M. (2015). Ventaja Competitiva: creacion y sostenimiento de un desempeno superior. Mexico: Patria. Revista lideres. (2015). En ocho provincias se concentra el mayor consumo de carnicos. Obtenido de
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