Identificação de Perfis Depressivos em Redes Sociais Utilizando Aprendizado de Máquina: um Mapeamento Sistemático

Autor: Alinne Cristinne Correa Souza, Francisco Carlos Souza, Rafael Gomes Mantovani, Vinicius Casani
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Anais do XI Computer on the Beach - COTB '20.
DOI: 10.14210/cotb.v11n1.p183-190
Popis: Depression is a psychological disorder that affects millions of peoplein theworld, regardless of their age, social class or nationality. In theliterature, different techniques have been studying to analyze andrecognize this disease such as Natural Language Processing, SentimentAnalysis, and Machine Learning. In this paper, we describe asystematic mapping to identify evidence regarding techniques thatare often used to identify depressive profiles.We analyzed 472 studiesand we selected 25 primary studies. These studies indicate thatthe SVM and NB techniques have been most used to detect possibledepressive profiles in social networks. Furthermore, Twitter andFacebook with 35,5% and 22,6%, respectively were the social mediamost have been used by users’ express their feelings regarding themost varied subjects.
Databáze: OpenAIRE