Geoecological risk assessment on tourist-recreational territories: methodological aspects

Autor: Vladimir Minaev, Mikhail Sychev, Aleksandr Faddeev
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Servis Plus. 8:76-86
ISSN: 2413-693X
Popis: The article considers geoecological risks on tourist and recreational areas. The focus is on the relationship fields of bioactive range (electric, magnetic, thermal, radiation, vibration, sound, and infrasound) with the grid of tectonic fault displacements and their influence on the psyche and health of tourists, servicing staff as well as on the state of buildings and structures of tourist-recreational complexes. The conclusion is made about the constant and qualitative carrying out of geoecological monitoring of the territory on which is carried out or planned to implement the tourist product and recreational activities. Discusses problems of the evaluation of geoecological risks, and to develop new and optimize existing strategies manage this risk and geoecological safety in the tourist and recreational activities. We analyze the main factors of environmental influence on tourist-recreational objects and describe the complex of problems connected with geoecological safety of tourist-recreational territories. In the light of the mentioned problems of geoecological safety authors greatest attention ispaidto natural hazards of geological origin, i.e. exogenous geological processes. Classification of the main exogenous geological processes is given. Specific examples of their appearance on tourist and recreational areas are discussed. When considering exogenous processes from the point of view of their possible danger to the objects of recreation and tourism, emphasize their connection with modern earth´s surface — the main component of the environment. The concept and examples «slow» disasters are given. Questions of quantitative evaluation of geoecological risks are discussed.
Databáze: OpenAIRE