Contrast in transmission X-ray diffraction topographs of growth defects in the core of SrLaGaO4single crystals

Autor: M. Lefeld-Sosnowska, Jürgen Härtwig, A. Malinowska
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Journal of Applied Crystallography. 46:48-54
ISSN: 0021-8898
Popis: Defects in the core of SrLaGaO4single crystals, grown by the Czochralski method using a [001]-oriented seed, were studied by transmission X-ray diffraction projection topography. Topographs were taken with radiation from a laboratory source and with high-energy radiation available at the ESRF beamline ID19 in Grenoble. The contrast of the investigated defect images was analysed for various diffraction vectorsgand for various values of the product μ0t(μ0is the linear absorption coefficient andtthe crystal thickness). This allowed the contrast formation to be studied as a function of absorption. The results of the analysis confirm the model of crystal lattice deformation around rod-like volume defects in SrLaGaO4crystals.
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