On the rocking–sliding instability of rigid blocks under ground excitation: Some new findings

Autor: Anthony N. Kounadis
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. 75:246-258
ISSN: 0267-7261
DOI: 10.1016/j.soildyn.2015.03.026
Popis: Rocking (overturning) instability analyses of rigid blocks based on the assumption that the friction between the block and the ground is sufficiently large to exclude the effect of sliding, are reconsidered by including the effect in question. Both modes of overturning instability – without impact and after one impact – are thoroughly discussed in connection with small sliding, whose value depends on the values of kinetic (dry) friction coefficient and the external frequency excitation. Using an energy approach the analytical derivation of the nonlinear differential equations of motion of free-standing rigid blocks under one-sine ground pulse including the effect of sliding, are comprehensively established. The serious difficulties in solving this problem on one hand the change of the kinetic friction coefficient during the motion and on the other hand the reliable evaluation of the actual friction effect when rocking is included, are effectively confronted. This is achieved through a reliable approximation of an equivalent (reduced) coefficient assuming that the major part of friction takes place from the initiation of motion and terminates shortly after the onset of rocking. In cases of slender blocks closed form solutions for overturning due to simultaneous rocking–sliding without or after one impact, are conveniently derived. Among other findings, it was explored that the single block in question for small values of the external frequency (long periods of excitation) the sliding effect is beneficial (stabilizing the block), while for large values of external frequency this effect is detrimental (destabilizing the block).
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