Practices for Utility Coordination in Transit Projects

Autor: Edgar Kraus, Lauren Cochran, Cesar Quiroga
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Practices for Utility Coordination in Transit Projects
DOI: 10.17226/22172
Popis: Transit projects frequently affect utility facilities (both above and below ground) that exist along project corridors. Relatively little has been documented on the topic of utility issues or the use of successful practices to facilitate utility coordination in transit projects. This synthesis provides a summary of utility coordination practices at transit agencies around the United States. It focuses on utility coordination issues that transit agencies undertake during typical phases of project development and delivery, which involve planning, designing, and constructing civil infrastructure facilities. The report includes a literature review, a survey of selected transit agencies, documentation of lessons learned, and identification of information gaps and research needs.
Databáze: OpenAIRE