Erythmelus (Erythmelus) tigres Guzman-Larralde & Triapitsyn, sp. n

Autor: Guzm��n-Larralde, Adriana J., Triapitsyn, Serguei V., Huber, John T., Gonz��lez-Hern��ndez, Alejandro
Rok vydání: 2015
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3508298
Popis: Erythmelus (Erythmelus) tigres Guzm��n-Larralde & Triapitsyn, sp. n. (Figs 2, 18, 19) Type material. Holotype female on slide [UCRC]: MEXICO. Veracruz, 3 mi. N of Cardel by R��o Actopan, 31.x. 1982, A. Gonz��lez-Hern��ndez, J. T. Huber, screen sweeping [UCRC ENT 311401]. Paratype: Chiapas, 30 km SW of Ocozocoahutla, 1981, J. LaSalle [1 ♀ on slide, CNC]. Description. FEMALE. Body length 554���800 ��m. Body mostly light brown except posterior half of midlobe of mesoscutum, parts of pronotum, axilla, scutellum, and metanotum, and basal gastral terga yellow to light brown; legs and antenna light brown or dusky. Scape slightly curved, about 6.6 �� as long as wide; pedicel much longer than F 1; all funicular segments longer than wide, F 2, F 3 and F 5 subequal in length, F 4 and F 6 slightly longer and subequal, F 1 ���F 5 without mps, F 6 with 1 mps; clava about 4.8 �� as long as wide, apparently with 5 mps. Wings. Fore wing 6.0�� as long as wide; blade slightly infuscate behind venation but otherwise hyaline, more or less uniformly setose including behind venation (with two irregular rows of setae behind parastigma); longest marginal cilia 0.84 �� greatest wing width. Hind wing about 20 �� as long as wide; blade hyaline; longest marginal cilia 3.2 �� greatest wing width. Metasoma. Petiole much wider than long. Gaster longer than mesosoma; ovipositor about 1 / 2 length of gaster, a little exserted beyond apical gastral tergum, and 1.25 �� length of metatibia. Holotype measurements (in ��m). Body 800; mesosoma 270; gaster 326; ovipositor 228. Antenna:scape (including radicle) 141; pedicel 49; F 1 25; F 2 25; F 3 25; F 4 43; F 5 25; F 6 49; clava 111. Fore wing 540: 86; longest marginal cilia 74. Hind wing 510: 31; longest marginal cilia 105. Variation (paratype in ��m). Body length 554; Fore wing 6.1 �� as long as wide. Ovipositor as long as metatibia. MALE. Unknown. Diagnosis. In Triapitsyn et al. (2007), this species keys to the same couplet as E. (Erythmelus) coviellai Triapitsyn. It differs from the female of E. coviellai in F 3 ���F 5 without mps, F 4 and F 6 larger than other funicular segments and equal in size. It differs from E. hirtipenis because F 4 is smaller or equal than F 5, and F 6 is the only segment larger than the others. Etymology. This species is a noun in apposition standing for the professional Mexican football (soccer) club, Club de F��tbol Tigres de la Universidad Aut��noma de Nuevo Le��n, commonly referred to as Tigres de la UANL, or simply Tigres. Hosts. Unknown.
Published as part of Guzm��n-Larralde, Adriana J., Triapitsyn, Serguei V., Huber, John T. & Gonz��lez-Hern��ndez, Alejandro, 2015, Review of the Mexican species of Erythmelus (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae), with description of two new species, pp. 121-130 in Zootaxa 3956 (1) on page 129, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3956.1.7,
{"references":["Triapitsyn, S. V., Berezovskiy, V. V., Hoddle, M. S. & Morse, J. G. (2007) A review of the Nearctic species of Erythmelus (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae), with a key and new additions to the New World fauna. Zootaxa, 1455, 1 - 68."]}
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