Special Operations Forces Language and Culture Needs Assessment: Language Resources And Self-Study

Autor: Natalie Wright, Eric A. Surface, Milton V. Cahoon, Jenna Hartinger, Lauren M Brandt, Reanna Poncheri Harman, Stephen J Ward
Rok vydání: 2010
DOI: 10.21236/ada634203
Popis: This study is one component of the Special Operations Forces (SOF) Language and Culture Needs Assessment Project. The larger study consisted of 23 focus groups conducted across the SOF community and an issue-oriented web-based survey. This report examined SOF operators access to and use of language learning resources and their perceived effectiveness of resources used. Results indicated that most operators have access to a unit language facility, but visit it less than once per month or not at all. Most SOF operators reported engaging in three or more hours per week of language learning while deployed compared to engaging in only one hour per week at home or during work duty. The language learning resources used were considered effective, but to varying degrees. In general, SOF operators indicated several issues with the use of resources, such as limited access while deployed and limited time to use them. These and other findings led to the following recommendations: (1) advertise resources more effectively, (2) provide additional instructors/tutors at unit language facilities, (3) protect language learning and maintenance time, and (4) provide easier access to language resources while deployed.
Databáze: OpenAIRE