A case of myoepithelioma arising in the mandibular notch

Autor: Masanobu Shindoh, Eiji Nakamura, Toshikatsu Fujiwara, Kazuhiro Matsushita, Toyonori Suzuki, Yoshinori Kobori
Rok vydání: 2001
Zdroj: Japanese Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery. 47:129-132
ISSN: 2186-1579
Popis: We report a case of myoepithelioma arising in the left mandibular notch, between the temporal and the masseter muscle.A 37-year-woman visited our Department of Dentistry and Oral Surgery because of gradual swelling of the right cheek and trismus of 2 months' duration. A panoramic radiograph showed a radiopaque circumscribed lesion between the coronoid and the articular process. A computed tomographic examination clearly showed a large mass involving the exo-lateral and posterior parts of the coronoid process. The mass was 20mm in diameter. Total enucleation of the mass was performed via the oral cavity with an ostectomy of the coronoid process under general anesthesia. The mass was diagnosed histopathologically as myoepithelioma, which had not been suspected. Given that myoepithelioma generally where glands are located, we believe that occurs the tumor arose from an ectopic salivary gland and developed at its unique location. To our knowledge, no report has previously described a myoepithelioma arising in the same region as ours, including those on pleomorphic adenomas, from which myoepithelioma was distinguished in the revised WHO classification in 1991. We therefore present this rare case with some comments.
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