Egocentric Future Localization

Autor: Hyun Soo Park, Jianbo Shi, Jyh-Jing Hwang, Yedong Niu
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: CVPR
DOI: 10.1109/cvpr.2016.508
Popis: We presents a method for future localization: to predict plausible future trajectories of ego-motion in egocentric stereo images. Our paths avoid obstacles, move between objects, even turn around a corner into space behind objects. As a byproduct of the predicted trajectories, we discover the empty space occluded by foreground objects. One key innovation is the creation of an EgoRetinal map, akin to an illustrated tourist map, that 'rearranges' pixels taking into accounts depth information, the ground plane, and body motion direction, so that it allows motion planning and perception of objects on one image space. We learn to plan trajectories directly on this EgoRetinal map using first person experience of walking around in a variety of scenes. In a testing phase, given an novel scene, we find multiple hypotheses of future trajectories from the learned experience. We refine them by minimizing a cost function that describes compatibility between the obstacles in the EgoRetinal map and trajectories. We quantitatively evaluate our method to show predictive validity and apply to various real world daily activities including walking, shopping, and social interactions.
Databáze: OpenAIRE