ChemInform Abstract: Structure, Spectroscopy and Kinetics of the Methylene Amidogen (H2CN) Radical

Autor: G. Marston, L. J. Stief
Rok vydání: 1990
Zdroj: ChemInform. 21
ISSN: 0931-7597
Popis: The physical and chemical properties of methylene amidogen have been reviewed. In general only limited quantatative information is available about the radical and furhher work, both theoretical and experimental, is required. Theoretical studies have met with success but there is much to be done concerning the electron distribution in the ground state of the radical and the structure and energetics of the excited states. While the ground-state geometry seems well defined theoretically, there is still no experimental confirmation of the calculations. A high resolution IR study shoudd provide this confrrmation and may also lead to the development of more sensitive detection techniques such as IR laser absorption spectroscopy and laser magnetic resonance. Should there techniques prove feasible, then coupling of them to the discharge-flow and flash-photolysis methods will allow us to greatly increase our knowledge of the reactivity of H2CN. We have also reviewed several laboratory and atmospheric systems in which H2CN plays a promintnt role. A better understanging of the kinetics of H2CN will lead to improved models of theee complex systems and additional spectroscopic data makes more feasible the in situ detection of thss important chemical intermediate.
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