Short-laser-pulse and steady-light induced degradation of intrinsic, p-type and compensated a-Si:H

Autor: P. Tzanetakis, H. Fritzsche, N. Kopidakis, M. Androulidaki, C. Kalpouzos, P. Stradins
Rok vydání: 1996
Zdroj: Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. :458-461
ISSN: 0022-3093
Popis: Degradation of the same hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a:Si:H) samples with short laser pulses (30 ns) and steady bandgap light (CW) reveals that the kinetics is different for pulses and CW. For pulse degradation the kinetics depends on doping. Particularly in doped samples pulses degrade the photoconductivity, σp, much more than CW light for the same increase in light-induced defects, ND. The lack of correlation between σp and ND suggests that other metastable structural changes besides defects are induced by bandgap light.
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