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Stroke merupakan gangguan fungsi otak yang terjadi akibat gangguan aliran darah pada otak,baik karena adanya sumbatan ataupun pecahnya pembuluh darah, sehingga mengakibatkantidak terpenuhinya suplai nutrisi dan oksigen yang dibutuhkan otak. Stroke secara umum dapatsembuh secara sempurna, akan tetapi stroke juga dapat sembuh dengan kecacatan ataupunmengakibatkan kematian bagi penderitanya. Tujuan pengabdian masyarakat yaitu untukmemberikan pengetahuan kepada para kader tentang konsep hipertensi, stroke, vital sign dandokumentasi tindakan. Jumlah kader yang terlibat yaitu sebanyak 3 orang. Sebelum diberikapelatihan kader mendapatkan pre-test, dan sesudah selesai materi para kaderpun mendapatkanpost-test. Pelatihan dilaksanakan secara ofline di kampus universitas sari mulia. Uji statistic yangdigunakan yaitu uji t-test. Hasil uji menunjukan bahwa terdapat pengaruh sebelum dan sesudahmendapatkan pelatihan dengan nilai p-value 0.020. Pengetahuan para kader sangat bergunasebagai perpanjangan tangan pelayanan dari puskesmas.Kata kunci: Kader, Stroke, Pelatihan Abstract[STROKE CARD MOVEMENT CADRE TRAINING] Stroke is a brain function disorder that occurs due todisruption of blood flow to the brain, either due to blockage or rupture of blood vessels, resulting in theunfulfilled supply of nutrients and oxygen needed by the brain. In general, strokes can heal completely, butstrokes can also be cured with disability or cause death for the sufferer. The purpose of community service isto provide knowledge to cadres about the concepts of hypertension, stroke, vital signs and documentation ofactions. The number of cadres involved is 3 people. Before being given the training, the cadres get apre-test, and after the material is finished, the cadres also get a post-test. The training was carried out offlineat the Sari Mulia University campus. The statistical test used is the t-test. The test results show that there isan effect before and after receiving training with a p-value of 0.020. The knowledge of the cadres is veryuseful as an extension of the service arm of the puskesmas.Keywords: Cadre, Stroke, Training |