Pengaruh Latihan Gerak Pinggul (Stretching) Terhadap Skore Nyeri Pinggul Pada Lansia di Posyandu Lansia
Autor: | Very Widiawati, Puput Risti Kusumaningrum, Suyami Suyami |
Rok vydání: | 2020 |
Zdroj: | Jurnal Perawat Indonesia. 4:250 |
ISSN: | 2548-7051 2714-6502 |
DOI: | 10.32584/jpi.v4i1.256 |
Popis: | Hasil wawancara dengan lansia di Posyandu pada lansia di susun Trosari menunjukkan bahwa untuk mengatasi sakit punggung, lansia biasanya pergi ke klinik untuk pemeriksaan kesehatan lansia setiap hari rabu. Lansia juga melakukan senam setiap hari untuk mendukung kebugaran fisik lansia, tetapi masih banyak lansia yang mengeluh sakit punggung yang tidak hilang telah membaik dengan menerapkan olahraga setiap hari. Tetapi latihan gerak pinggul statis belum dilakukan untuk mengurangi nyeri punggung pada lansia. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh pencegahan senam panggul pada nyeri skala rendah di Posyandu Lansia di Dusun Trosari, Patuk, Gunung Kidul. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan desain pre eksperimen dengan pendekatan one group pre test post test design. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dengan jumlah sampel 10 lansia. Analisa data menggunakan paired t test. Karakteristik responden (usia ratarata 66.30 tahun, jenis kelamin laki-laki sebanyak 70%, pendidikan SD sebanyak 70% dan pekerjaan yang tidak bekerja sebanyak 40%. Skor nyeri pinggul pada lansia sebelum diberikan pencegahan latihan gerak pinggul untuk lansia di desa Trosari dusun Patuk Gunungkidul dengan rata-rata 5.8. Skor nyeri pinggul pada lansia sesudah diberikan pencegahan latihan gerak pinggul untuk lansia di desa Trosari dusun Patuk Gunungkidul dengan rata-rata 3.3. Perbedaan skor nyeri pinggul sebelum dan sesudah diberikan pencegahan latihan gerak pinggul yaitu 2.50. Terdapat pengaruh pencegahan latihan gerak pinggul untuk lansia di desa Trosari dusun Patuk Gunungkidul. The results of the interview with the elderly at the Posyandu in the elderly inTrosari hamlet show that to deal with back pain, the elderly usually go to theclinic for an elderly health check every Wednesday. Elderly also take gymnasticsevery day to support the physical fitness of the elderly, but there are still many elderlypeople who complain that their back pain that never goes away has improved eventhough it has been applied to exercise every day. However, Static Stretching exerciseshave not been carried out to reduce back pain in the elderly. The aim of the study wasto determine the effect of Gymnastics Prevention of Low Pain on the Scales of Hip Painin the Elderly at the Elderly Posyandu in Trosari Hamlet, Patuk Gunungkidul. Thedesign of this study used Pre Experimental with the design of the One Group Pre TestPostTest Design. The purposive sampling sampling technique is 10 people. Dataanalysis using paired t-test. Characteristics of respondents (age with a mean of 66.30years, gender is male as much as 70%, education ie elementary school as much as70% and work that is not working as much as 40%). Hip pain scoring in the elderlybefore being given the Pain Relief Gymnastics Prevention in the Elderly Village ofTrosari Hamlet Patuk Gunungkidul with an average of 5.8. Scores of hip pain in the elderly after being given Elderly Pain Prevention of Lower Back Pain Exercise in Trosari Patuk Hamlet, Gunungkidul with an average of 3.3. Differences in hip pain scores before and after Low Back Pain Prevention Gymnastics were 2.50. There is the effect of Gymnastics Prevention of Low Back Pain Against Hip Pain in the Elderly at the Elderly Village of Trosari Hamlet Patuk Gunungkidul |
Databáze: | OpenAIRE |
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