The Ordering of Words in Utterance Production: An Integrated View of the Basic Principles in German and Chinese

Autor: Rainer Dietrich, Zhen Xian Zheng
Rok vydání: 1993
Popis: This paper describes differences in the ordering of constituents in German and Chinese utterance production. Based on results of empirical analyses, word order in German and Chinese is described in the theoretical frame of functional linguistics. It is shown that in Chinese word order is organized according to a stable linear pattern of slots, each of which is specified by an individual combination of structural, semantic and pragmatic conditions. All relevant information for die ordering of phrases is given already with the preverbal message. As opposed to this, German word order is determined by a limited number of syntactic restrictions in combination with a set of fundamental semantic and pragmatic ordering rules. In relation to these rules, each phrase of an utterance is assigned a fronting index according to its individual semantic properties and discourse relations. In the psycholinguistic part of the study, the linguistic description is related to various hypotheses on the ordenng of constituents in sentence production models.
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