International Business, a Universal Morality and the Challenge of Nationalism

Autor: Norman Bowie
Rok vydání: 1993
Zdroj: Issues in Business Ethics ISBN: 9789048143092
Popis: The ideal of a Supreme Morality espoused by the Institute of Moralogy presents a refreshing contrast to the cultural relativism characteristic of much contemporary intellectual thought. Support for this ideal can be found in the application of Kant’s ideas to business transactions. In the international area, the following propositions can be derived: as business becomes more global, employee honesty will tend to rise, bribery will decrease, trust-based organizations will achieve comparative advantage and discrimination based on taste or misinformation will decrease. At the same time, these trends should support another goal of the Institute -- world peace. International commercial interconnections should cause war to become too destructive, too expensive and too economically irrational.
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