Cryophyton of Lake Kalach, Omsk oblast

Autor: O. P. Bazhenova, L.V. Korzhova
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Contemporary Problems of Ecology. 7:45-51
ISSN: 1995-4263
DOI: 10.1134/s199542551401003x
Popis: The species composition and dynamics of cyanobacteria and algae inhabiting the ice of Lake Kalach (Omsk oblast) have been studied. High abundance and a low floristic similarity with phytoplankton have been discovered. Small-celled cyanobacteria and chlorococcales dominate in number of species and abundance. A new term, “cryophyton,” is proposed for photosynthetic organisms living in the ice.
Databáze: OpenAIRE