Feasibility Study on the Natural Circulation Cooling Procedure at the Loop Unbalanced Condition

Autor: Manabu Maruyama, Junto Ogawa, Shinya Miyata, Wataru Sakuma
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Volume 6: Thermal-Hydraulics.
Popis: In typical pressurized water reactor (PWR) plant, in case that one steam generator (SG) is dried out and cannot be credited for the primary cooldown, at least one reactor coolant pump (RCP) has to be operated in order to homogenize the primary coolant temperature distribution among loops when the plant is cooled down to the cold shutdown state. For example, an accident such as steam line break (SLB) and feedwater line break (FLB) leads to this situation. If the natural circulation condition is established due to unavailability of all the RCPs, the natural circulation in the primary loop connected to the affected SG would be interrupted in the plant cooldown phase. In this situation, the continuous cooldown disturbs the smooth depressurization because it leads to void generation at the top of the affected SG tube where the high temperature coolant is left. In addition, there is a possibility that all RCPs cannot be operated in case of the earthquake or the fire if the RCPs are not earthquake-proof and fire-resistant. Therefore the establishment of the cooldown procedure without RCPs operation under the temperature unbalanced condition among the primary loops can contribute to the safety enhancement for typical PWR plants. The several experiments have been already performed to observe the natural circulation phenomena under the temperature unbalanced condition. It has been reported that the plant can be continuously cooled down with smooth depressurization by stepwise cooling manner using MSRVs of the intact SGs. In this study, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (MHI) performed the transient analyses to simulate the natural circulation cooldown test under the temperature unbalanced condition among loops performed by Large Scale Test Facility (JAEA ROSA/LSTF) using M-RELAP5, which was a modified plant system transient code by MHI based on RELAP5-3D. Based on the analysis results, the thermal hydraulic phenomena of natural circulation cooldown under the temperature unbalanced condition were investigated. As a result, the mechanism of natural circulation interruption was clarified, and this paper shows the outline of the cooldown procedure under the temperature unbalanced condition which could be applied to the PWR plants.
Databáze: OpenAIRE