Diagnosis of the Concentration of the Colombian Upstream Market Sector and Proposals for Increased Competitiveness

Autor: Eusebio Jose Orozco Cera, Juan Diego Medina Rueda, Maria Angelica Legarda Zuñiga
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Day 1 Tue, March 23, 2021.
Popis: Given the importance of the O&G sector (exports, national budget, royalties, etc.) in the economy of countries that possess this natural resources and the increased exposure of the economy of these to the cyclical dynamics of the O&G industry, it becomes necessary unequivocally an analysis and comparison of the most used market concentration measures applicable to the upstream framework that affect the distribution of oil production and reserves to determine proposals for an increase in competitiveness, in this case analyzing the metrics in the range 2004-2016 in Colombia. The process starts from collecting the most reliable information from different associations, regulators and sources, calculating the most used market concentration measures, considering assumptions for the statistical analysis of the data as tests of normality (Shapiro-WilK Test) and then analysis and comparison of the HHI as measure of concentration of the E&P upstream market in Colombia obtained conclusions and recommendations. Ideal values were determined and recommended according to better HHI references that would imply a less concentrated upstream sector and competitive advantage to the country regionally to attract foreign direct investment (FDI). An alienation and division of National oil company- NOC from the Colombian state is proposed, divide upstream into 3 E&P companies plus 1 Midstream Transporting Company + 1 Downstream Refining Company, it is recommended given the opportunity of a possible development of unconventional resources in the country, and the economic uncertainty at the beginning of these developments, that the opportunities for pilots and initial projects be by law and in principle distributed among various private E&P operators or in associations of the state company with experienced operators, this would distribute the exploratory risk of the projects, improve the sector's competitiveness and avoid unnecessary investment exposure to the state in these ventures. The objectives, methods, processes and results obtained can be homologated to other countries with NOC, showing a direct roadmap to follow so that the economic associated with natural hydrocarbon resources allow us to further leverage the development of societies in general, but mainly developing countries rich in these resources in an environment of low prices and increasing competitiveness.
Databáze: OpenAIRE