Non-Linear Dynamics of Columns of Cat Visual Cortex Revealed by Simulation and Experiment

Autor: H. Spekreijse, van Dijk Bw, Stiliyan Kalitzin, Vijn Pc
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: Ciba Foundation Symposium 184-Higher-Order Processing in the Visual System
Popis: Correlation images were derived from simultaneous recordings of 12 signals representing the synaptic activity at different layers of a column in cat visual cortex (area 18) and 12 signals representing the local average spiking activity at the same locations. Because the ongoing activity and the activity evoked by stroboscopic flashes yielded the same correlation image, ongoing activity is caused by an input to a column similar to flash-evoked activity and is thus not endogenous. Moving bar stimuli evoked bursts of oscillations (25-75 Hz band) in the correlation image. The rhythm of these oscillations was not related to any frequency component in the stimulus. In all correlation images we observed that synaptic activity in one layer resulted in simultaneous spiking activity in all layers with latency differences smaller than 2 ms (the sample interval used). Similar behaviour was observed in a simulation experiment where we 'realistically' modelled one column of visual cortex with 1000 three-compartmental neurons in 11 functional layers. When such a model column was tuned to yield a stable and excitable system with low ongoing activity, activation of any of the layers caused simultaneous activity in all 11 layers. Both the simulation and the experimental results suggest that a column can be regarded as a basic processing element sending the same information over all its outputs to other columns within the same cortical region, other visual areas and subcortical structures.
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