A Fair-Throughput Optimization Scheme in Emergency Satellite Communications

Autor: Shanzhi Chen, Bo Hu, Yiang Wang
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: ICCC
Popis: Satellite communication systems plays a vital role in emergency scenarios, especially in post-earthquake scenarios where ground base stations are damaged. Traditional satellite resource allocation scheme aiming at maximizing throughput can lead to unfair transmission rates between rescue teams, which further causes delayed rescue. However, there is a conflict between optimizing throughput and ensuring fairness. In this paper, we propose a satellite channel model corresponding to post-earthquake communication scenarios. Then we propose a joint power and bandwidth allocation scheme to maximize the throughput of the satellite, which considers fairness based on the channel model. The problem is difficult to solve due to the nonconvex objective function and complicated equality constraints. To solve the problem, we transform the original problem into an equivalent problem by introducing an auxiliary variable firstly. Secondly, we propose an algorithm to solve the equivalent problem by applying successive convex optimization techniques. Finally, we verify the fairness and convergence of the algorithm through simulations. Different traffic demands are set in the simulation, so the fairness of the transmission rate is reflected in the transmission time. The maximum transmission time of the proposed scheme is much less than the traditional scheme in simulations.
Databáze: OpenAIRE