Heavy ion induced charge exchange reactions: A preliminary study within the Constrained Molecular Dynamics model

Autor: Gianluca Giuliani
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Chinese Physics C. 45:084105
ISSN: 2058-6132
Popis: We present a preliminary study of charge exchange heavy ion induced reactions based on the constrained molecular dynamics (CoMD) model. The purpose is to test the capability of the model in predicting the occurrence of single charge exchange (SCE) and double charge exchange (DCE) exit channels for three different entrance channels at the same laboratory incident energy. The nuclear reaction dynamics and nuclear interaction within the CoMD approach are the only ingredients that have given, at this stage, promising results for SCE and DCE cross section calculations. The obtained results suggest an upgrade and possible future employment of the model for studies relating to the production of exotic nuclei through charge exchange reactions or DCE reactions and their connection with neutrinoless double beta decay.
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