Short-Term Passive Integrated Transponder Tag Retention in Wild Populations of Bluehead and Flannelmouth Suckers

Autor: Kevin G. Thompson, Zachary E. Hooley-Underwood, Summer B. Stevens
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 37:582-586
ISSN: 1548-8675
DOI: 10.1080/02755947.2017.1303008
Popis: Passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags, commonly used to individually identify fish, are assumed to not hinder survival or alter the behavior of the fish and to be retained throughout the duration of the study. While these assumptions have been verified for many species, other species have exhibited poor retention or survival, or altered behavior. In this study, we evaluated short-term PIT tag retention and recapturability of PIT-tagged fish in wild populations of migrating and spawning Bluehead Sucker Catostomus discobolus and Flannelmouth Sucker C. latipinnis. We trapped fish as they entered a spawning tributary of the Gunnison River near Delta, Colorado, USA. We abdominally injected 12.5 × 2.1 mm PIT tags and externally marked 2,645 fish; another 2,660 fish were given an alternative external mark but were not PIT-tagged. When we recaptured fish as they exited the tributary, we found a PIT tag retention rate >99% and recaptured a greater proportion of PIT-tagged fish than of control fish for ...
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