Peyzaj planlama senaryolarının Geodesign Yaklaşımı ile geliştirilmesi: İmrahor Vadisi örneği (Developing the Landscape Planning Scenarios Through the Geodesign Approach: The Case Study of Imrahor Valley)

Autor: İdil Kanter Otçu, Esra Şenöz, Kevser Sena Ceylan, Nilgül Karadeniz, Cennet Tekin Cüre
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: SSRN Electronic Journal.
ISSN: 1556-5068
DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.3393084
Popis: Turkish Abstract: Geodesign, cografya ve tasarimyenilikci bir anlayisla uretilmesini kolaylastiran cok disiplinli bir yaklasimdir. Bu makalede, Geodesign yaklasimi ile gerceklestirilen “Peyzaj Planlamada Yeni Bir Yaklasim: GEODESIGN” baslikli calistayda izlenen asamalar degerlendirilmektedir. Calistay, Prof. Dr. Carl Steinitz tarafindan yonetilmistir. Planlama ve tasarimla ilgili farkli meslek disiplinlerinden gelen katilimcilarla birlikte Geodesign yaklasimiyla bir peyzaj planlama sureci deneyimlenmistir. Calisma alani olarak Imrahor Vadisi ve cevresi belirlenmistir. Calistay kapsaminda, Geodesign’in alti soru modeli ve sureci, uc tekerrurlu olarak uygulanmistir. ESRI® Turkiye uzmanlari tarafindan gerekli sayisal altliklar uretilmistir. Bu altliklar mekânsal analizler gerceklestirilmesinde ve senaryolarin olusturulmasinda kullanilmistir. Senaryolar ESRI® CityEngine modulu vasitasiyla uc boyutlu alan modellerine donusturulmustur. Bu kapsamda 2023 Baskent Ankara Nazim Imar Plani’nda on gorulen nufus degisimleri de dikkate alinarak oneri peyzaj plani uretilmistir. Oneri peyzaj plani, 2023 Baskent Ankara Nazim Imar Plani ile kiyaslanmis, Imrahor Vadisi ve yakin cevresi acisindan koruma ve kullanim onerilerinde onemli farkliliklarin oldugu tespit edilmistir. English Abstract:Geodesign is a multidisciplinary approach that facilitates the creation of alternative scenarios with innovative understanding for the future that combine geography and design ** processes. In this article, the steps taken in the workshop entitled "A New Approach in Landscape Planning: GEODESIGN", which is realized with the Geodesign approach, are evaluated. The workshop was directed by Prof. Dr. Carl Steinitz. The landscape planning process with Geodesign approach has been experienced with participants from different professional disciplines related to planning and design. Imrahor Valley and the surrounding area has been identified as the study area. The six question models and process were iterated as three times during the workshop studies. Digital maps were produced by ESRI® Turkey specialists. These digital maps have been used for the spatial analyzes and for developing scenarios. The scenarios have been converted into three-dimensional area models through the ESRI® CityEngine module. In this scope, the proposed landscape plan was produced considering the population changes predicted in 2023 Baskent Ankara Master Plan. The proposed landscape plan was compared with the 2023 Baskent Ankara Minimization Plan and it has been determined that there are significant differences in protection and usage proposals in terms of the Imrahor Valley and its immediate surroundings.
Databáze: OpenAIRE