Improving the accuracy of determination of line energies by ESCA: Chemical state plots for silicon-aluminum compounds

Autor: J. A. Taylor, W. T. Jansen, C. D. Wagner, H. A. Six
Rok vydání: 1981
Zdroj: Applications of Surface Science. 9:203-213
ISSN: 0378-5963
Popis: Reproducibility of charge-referenced line energy data can be markedly improved by (1) calibrating the instrument voltage scale with natural lines, and (2) gathering data in such a way that drifts in charging can be corrected. Data on a variety of aluminum-silicon-oxygen compounds appear to be reproducible among different laboratories to within 0.10 eV. Such reproducibility, combined with recording of Auger energies by using the bremsstrahlung component of the radiation, makes possible identification of most such chemical states by line energies alone, even though the ranges in chemical shifts are only 2–3 eV.
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