4E-1 Periodically Poled Transducers Built on Single Crystal Lithium Niobate Layers Bonded onto Silicon

Autor: Emilie Courjon, J. Hauden, N. Bodin, Sylvain Ballandras, William Daniau, Ludovic Gauthier-Manuel, D. Gachon
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: 2007 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium Proceedings.
ISSN: 1051-0117
Popis: In this paper, we present new results on the development of piezoelectric transducers based on periodically poled ferroelectric domains on lithium niobate bonded on silicon. The fabrication of the periodically poled transducers operating in the range 50-500 MHz has been achieved on a 3" 500 mum thick wafer. These devices have then been bonded on a silicon wafer and thinned to a few ten microns thick. Guided elliptic as well as partially guided longitudinal modes are excited, yielding phase velocity of about 3800 and 7000 m.s-1 respectively. The experimental responses of the tested devices are compared to predicted harmonic admittances, showing a good agreement between both results and allowing for a reliable analysis of the nature of the excited modes.
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