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A scheme of archaeological monitoring was undetaken in conjunction with Geotechnical Investigation works along the eastern stretch of the A66, from Bowes to Scotch Corner, as part of an assessment to inform proposed upgrades to the existing carriageway. Only seven of the 74 trial pits excavated for Geotechnical Investigations exposed archaeological remains. This may be considered a surprisingly sparse result considering the historical importance of the trans-Pennine corridor and the prevalence of known archaeological sites distributed along the A66. Aside from ephemeral remnants of the 19th-century South Durham & Lancashire Union Railway in TP BB6 and the impressive ridge and furrow earthworks recorded to the west of Low Broats Farm (TP BB8/BB9, Plate 2), all further archaeological remains were encountered along the stretch from Stephen Bank to Carkin Moor. Unfortunately, no finds were recovered to date these features and the small footprint of the trial pits (2m wide by 2.5-4m in length) precluded confident interpretation. |