Associations of negative affective biases and depressive symptoms in a community-based sample

Autor: Laura de Nooij, Mark James Adams, Emma Hawkins, Liana Romaniuk, Marcus Robert Munafo, Ian Penton-Voak, Rebecca Elliott, Amy Bland, Gordon Waiter, Anca-Larisa Sandu, Tina Habota, Douglas Steele, Alison Murray, Archie Campbell, David Porteous, Andrew Mcintosh, Heather C Whalley
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: Background: Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) was previously associated with negative affective biases. Evidence from larger population-based studies, however, is lacking, including whether biases normalise with remission. We investigated associations between affective bias measures and depressive symptom severity across a large community-based sample, followed by examining differences between remitted individuals and controls.Methods: Participants from Generation Scotland (N=1,109) completed the: (i) Bristol Emotion Recognition Task (BERT), (ii) Face Affective Go/No-go (FAGN), and (iii) Cambridge Gambling Task (CGT). Individuals were classified as MDD-current (n=43), MDD-remitted (n=282), or controls (n=784). Analysis included using affective bias summary measures (primary analyses), followed by detailed emotion/condition analyses of BERT and FAGN (secondary analyses). Results: For summary measures, the only significant finding was an association between greater symptoms and lower risk adjustment for CGT across the sample (individuals with greater symptoms were less likely to bet more, despite increasingly favourable conditions). This was no longer significant when controlling for non-affective cognition. No differences were found for remitted-MDD v controls. Detailed analysis of BERT and FAGN indicated subtle negative biases across multiple measures of affective cognition with increasing symptom severity, that were independent of non-effective cognition (e.g. greater tendency to rate faces as angry (BERT), and lower accuracy for happy/neutral conditions (FAGN)). Results for remitted-MDD were less consistent.Conclusions: This suggests the presence of subtle negative affective biases at the level of emotion/condition in association with depressive symptoms across the sample, over and above those accounted for by g, with no evidence for affective biases in remitted individuals.
Databáze: OpenAIRE