Proximate Composition of Morning Glory (Ipomea indica) Leaf Meal

Autor: M. Dabo, A. M. Sakaba, A. S. Dabai
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Asian Journal of Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology. :44-50
ISSN: 2582-3698
Popis: Biochemical studies with a view to evaluate the organic and inorganic nutrients in air-dried Ipomea leaf meal commonly known as morning glory (Ipomea indica) was carried out. Samples were replicated four times and the values recorded for each nutrient according to the replicates analyzed. The results of mean percentages for organic nutrients revealed that the samples contained 6.83±0.33% moisture, 6.83±0.17% ash, 17.89±0.45% protein, 1.67±0.17% lipid, 1.84±0.34% fiber and 81.84±0.38% nitrogen free extract (NFE). The inorganic content on the other hand was 0.68±0.04% magnesium, 1.11±0.08% sodium, 3.33±0.56% potassium, 1.68±0.03 calcium and 0.53±0.01% phosphorous. This indicated that air-dried leaf meal from Ipomea indica has nutritional qualities that could provide farmers with organic and inorganic nutrients for enhanced livestock nutrition. Therefore, air-dried leaf meal from Ipomea indica is recommended for feeding livestock in the study area.
Databáze: OpenAIRE