Volume density of inductance for planar homogeneous current sheet at SHF

Autor: Nikolay N. Prokopenko, Vladimir G. Sapogin
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: 2015 International Siberian Conference on Control and Communications (SIBCON).
DOI: 10.1109/sibcon.2015.7147210
Popis: The method for calculation solitary inductance with high symmetry, carried out for SHF devices as conducting planar strip, where homogeneous current pinch exists, has been proposed. The method permits: to calculate one-dimensional distributions of vector potential and magnetic field's induction, which are formed by current pinch inside and outside of conducting strip; to compute fluxes of magnetic field inside and outside of the strip; to determine the current and the flux parts of running inductance of conducting planar strip; to obtain frequency dependence for Q-quality of conducting planar strip and determine its scale of frequency over which strip's Q-quality becomes more than one; to demonstrate that planar geometry of current strip permits to increase the volume density of inductance's current sheet on the order in comparison with strip coil.
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