Syllable processing in alphabetic Korean

Autor: Greg B. Simpson, Hyewon Kang
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: Reading and Writing. 17:137-151
ISSN: 0922-4777
DOI: 10.1023/b:read.0000013808.65933.a1
Popis: The Korean alphabetic script (hangul)depicts alphabetic characters in syllableblocks. The present experiments investigatewhether, as a consequence of this printingconvention, the syllable has a specialprocessing status in naming printed Koreanstimuli, independent of lexical and subsyllabicsources of information. In the first experimentit is shown that when controlled for syllablefrequency, syllables having independent lexicalstatus (free syllables) are named no morequickly than are those without such status(bound syllables). Experiment 2 shows thatthere are minimal naming differences betweenhigh- and low-frequency one-syllable words whensyllable frequency is controlled. In Experiment3, it is shown that there is a difference innaming times for bound syllables andpseudosyllables, and Experiment 4 shows adifference in naming latencies for high- andlow-frequency bound syllables. Taken together,these results suggest a role for the syllablein processing alphabetic Korean words that isindependent of lexical or subsyllabicproperties of the stimuli.
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