Spatial Analysis in PGPB’s Risk Administration System for Pipelines

Autor: Jose´ Luis Mora Mendoza, Rene Perez Polanco, Luis R. Chiang Sam Garci´a, Enrique Rodriguez Betancourt
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: 2004 International Pipeline Conference, Volumes 1, 2, and 3.
DOI: 10.1115/ipc2004-0173
Popis: All facilities related with petrochemical and gas transmission systems have something to do with geography and therefore Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Maintenance of pipelines; design, construction and operation of pumping and compression stations; as well as emergencies attention, are some examples of the cases in which Pemex Gas y Petroquimica Basica (PGPB), one of biggest companies owned by Mexican government, use a GIS called “Facilities and Assets Information System” (FAIS). For risk administration PGPB has been using Bass Trigon’s Integrity Assessment Program (IAP), software based on Kent Muhlbauer’s methodology. From this software, PGPB has built a Risk Administration System for Pipelines (RASP), which is able to identify and evaluate risks that could affect the transportation capacity of the company’s petrochemical, lpg and natural gas transmission systems. Both systems worked separately through 1997–2003, even though, both were aiming the same transmission systems. GIS was used to give immediate response to regulation authorities, satisfying internal requirements related to the surrounding environment of the company’s pipelines and the pipelines themselves. RASP was used to obtain and evaluate risk factors that would support decisions on the resources that would be utilized in the daily maintenance jobs. During 2003, the FAIS’s software was upgraded to the latest version of ArcGis (8.3), including a change in the programming language to Visual Basic for applications, a database migration to Unix and a modification in the system to new user requirements, which included the integration of RAST results. Nowadays, analyzing risk data in a spatial context has been a common use in the Pipeline Division of PGPB, which has become a powerful tool to support critical decisions from managers and chief executives. In this work are presented some specific applications using the integrated FAIS and RASP systems to show risk assessment data analysis and their consequences.Copyright © 2004 by ASME
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