Gas Turbine NOx Reduction Retrofit

Autor: James G Seebold, Roger H. Christy, James Bloomquist
Rok vydání: 2001
Zdroj: All Days.
DOI: 10.2118/66501-ms
Popis: Chevron's Eastridge Cogeneration Plant, located in the San Joaquin Valley in the Kern River Field near Bakersfield, California, produces steam for thermally enhanced oil recovery and electricity to the utility grid. To meet San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District NOx emissions rules, two General Electric LM2500 combustion gas turbines needed the addition of selective catalytic reduction (SCR) flue gas treatment systems. This "major surgery" retrofit project sets a benchmark for effective decision analysis, front-endengineering and safe, smooth field execution. Looking to the future beyond the current rules, the equipment is sized and ready to go to comply easily with future reductions. This paper briefly describes the process from beginning to end. Those who may face such retrofits in the future but lack experience or who would like to improve their previous performance may benefit from Chevron Eastridge's learnings. With good planning, gas turbine SCR retrofits can be accomplished at reasonable cost and with minimal disruption to energy operations. The project's identification and qualification of a full-service domestic SCR catalyst supplier, fully capable of supplying all catalyst services importantly including catalyst activity testing (anybody's catalyst), benefits all Chevron operations both upstream and downstream with existing or future SCRs; no longer must service be provided from Japan. Thus, the project is pleased not only to have met and exceeded its own goals but also to have been of service to the entire corporation. Shutdowns limited to a stunning 5 days for major field modifications minimized the disruption to electricity and steam supply and kept both external and internal customers happy. Completed ahead of schedule and under budget, the 11-month project and 63-day construction spans were remarkable by any standard!
Databáze: OpenAIRE