Factors Associated With Contraceptive Uptake After Elective Safe Abortion Care at Reproductive Health Care Centres in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana

Autor: Frank Odame, Kareem Mumuni, Ali Samba, Kwaku Asah-Opoku, Jerry Sifa
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: Background Globally, post-abortion contraception has been shown to reduce unplanned pregnancies and therefore repeat abortion as well as abortion related complications in women in their reproductive age. However, the determinants of post-abortion contraception uptake in the Greater Accra Region are unclear. This study therefore sought to examine the factors associated with post abortion contraceptive uptake after elective safe abortion in the region. Methods The study adopted a prospective study design. The study employed a consecutive sampling involving women seeking elective abortion services at the selected public reproductive health units in the region. Descriptive statistics including frequency, percentages, mean, and standard deviation were used. The Pearson’s chi-squared and Fisher’s exact tests were used, depending on the number of values in each cell, for bivariate analysis. Multivariate logistic regression was used for modelling the relationship between the covariates and the outcome variable using a 95% confidence interval. Results Approximately 82% of the 357 participants accepted contraception after the elective safe abortion care. The multivariate analysis shows that having the partner fund for the abortion increased the woman’s odds for contraceptive uptake (aOR = 4.76; 95% CI = 1.73–13.12), compared to self-funding. The women who have experienced modern contraceptives were 6.6(95% CI = 2.67–16.24) times more likely to accept contraception post-abortion care compared to counterparts who have never used a modern contraceptive. Compared to those who underwent manual vacuum abortion, the women who underwent medication were less likely to accept a contraceptive after abortion (aOR = 0.35; 95% CI = 0.13–0.89). Conclusion Post-abortion contraceptive uptake was high in the Greater Accra Region. Some of the predicting factors associated with post-abortion contraception uptake after elective safe abortion care are modifiable.
Databáze: OpenAIRE