Autor: Mohamed El-Said Ghoneimy, Gouda Ismail Salama, Wael Mohamed Yousf
Rok vydání: 2006
Zdroj: The International Conference on Electrical Engineering. 5:1-13
ISSN: 2636-4441
DOI: 10.21608/iceeng.2006.33671
Popis: This paper describes and evaluates a number of techniques for reducing different types ofnoises which associated with the thermal images. These techniques are based on optical imagefiltering in both spatial domain and frequency domain. Filtering in both spatial domain andfrequency domain are applied on different thermal images associated with three standardnoises models encountered in most images as additive, multiplicative, and impulse noiseswith different variance. Also, Non-uniformity correction techniques are applied on severalthermal images associated with Fixed Pattern Noise (FPN). The algorithms have been testedby using several real image data from existing infrared imaging systems with good results.Measuring criteria for performance evaluation of thermal images enhancement techniques asPeak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR), Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) and Root Mean SquareError (RMSE) are used to ensure the vision observation of user to select the most suitabletechnique with highly performance evaluation.
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