Environmentally balanced preconditions for use of logging residues in forests of Ukrainian Carpathians for energy production

Autor: R Vasylyshyn, null Lakyda, O Soshenskyi, M Lakyda, O Melnyk, V Slusarchuk
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 1042:012009
ISSN: 1755-1315
Popis: Use of woody biomass of logging residues at plots where different types of logging has occurred as a planned management activity has to be based on the analysis of relevant environmental risks. These risks include biodiversity losses, soil fertility reduction, and formation of dangerous volumes of flammable materials in forests during the fire-hazardous period, which is especially relevant on plots with high recreational load. As a result of the research, we propose indicative utilization rates for logging residues at sites where care or final cuts occur in spruce, beech and fir dominated stands in various growth conditions. The information basis of the research is formed by the research data on distribution of the relevant forest stands in different types of forest growth conditions, as well as on influence of forest growth conditions on processes of biological destruction and accumulation of forest flammable materials at plots with intensive recreational load. The proposed utilization rates for logging residues serve as an information component in the process of formation of regional strategy of forest bioenergy development.
Databáze: OpenAIRE