Autor: I.V. Zablodska, Pjsc 'Rivneoblenerho', Rivne, Ukraine, A.O. Akhromkin, Ye.M. Akhromkin
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Economics and Law. :89-94
ISSN: 2523-4838
DOI: 10.15407/econlaw.2020.04.089
Popis: The article highlights the results of a study of the economic and legal aspects of energy saving in associations of co-owners of apartment buildings in Ukraine. It is determined that a large number of apartment buildings inhabitants have already taken advantage of borrowing funds for energy modernization of their homes. The article presents the classification of the main losses of electricity and states that along with the term “losses of electricity”, the term “losses of electricity in electrical networks during its transportation” and “technological losses of electricity” are widely used. Modern electricity losses also include direct thefts of electricity, which are caused by deliberate changes in the circuits of measuring transformers of current, voltage, measuring circuits and electricity meters, as well as data changes in information systems for distortion. It is noted that in recent years the legislative framework of Ukraine has significantly improved, a large number of modern regulations have been developed to stimulate increased conscious electricity consumption by setting clear limits on the responsibility of businesses for the operation of their own utilities (including electricity) by establishing instrumental control on the border of balance ownership of objects. Such changes in the legislative field are dictated by the reorientation of Ukraine to European norms of thinking and management standards, the main message of which is the economic stimulation of the development of the energy sector. The considered normative legal acts regulating the issue of installation of general household commercial electricity meters allowed to come to the conclusion that the state, with the help of the National Commission for State Regulation of Energy and Utilities, consciously takes into account future electricity losses in tariffs for service distribution (transmission) of electricity. This approach is unacceptable due to the violation of the principle of fairness and efficiency. The article emphasizes that energy saving should become not just a priority for Ukraine, but one of the main goals on the way to building the country's economy. REFERENCES Akhromkin A.O. Suchasni kharakterystyky elektrychnykh merezh Ukrainy: rehionalnyi aspekt. Visnyk Skhidnoukrainskoho natsionalnoho universytetu imeni Volodymyra Dalia. 2015. No. 6(223). P. 7–10 [in Ukrainian]. Afanasiev M.V., Salashenko T.I. Stratehiia pidvyshchennia enerhoefektyvnosti promyslovosti rehionu: teoretyko-metodychni aspekty formuvannia: monohrafiia. Kharkiv : KhNEU, 2014. 284 p. [in Ukrainian]. Valinkevych N.V., Akhromkin A.O. Sytuatsiinyi analiz realizatsii rehionalnoi enerhetychnoi polityky Ukrainy. Efektyvna ekonomika. No. 2. 2018. URL: [in Ukrainian]. Heiets V.M. Rozvytok ta vzaiemodiia ekonomichnoi ta enerhetychnoi polityky v Ukraini (stenohrama naukovoi dopovidi na zasidanni Prezydii NAN Ukrainy 16 hrudnia 2015 r.). Visnyk Natsionalnoi akademii nauk Ukrainy. 2016. No. 2. P. 46-53 [in Ukrainian]. Gudz P.V. Praktyka administruvannia rozvytku taryfiv na natsionalnykh i rehionalnykh rynkakh elektroenerhii za kordonom. Visnyk ChDTU: zb. na. prats Cherkaskoho derzhavnoho tekhnolohichnoho universytetu. Seriia: Ekonomichni nauky. 2017. Iss. 44. Ch. II. P. 13-20 [in Ukrainian]. Enerhoefektyvnist ekonomiky: problemy sohodennia ta maibutnoho: kol. monohrafiia. Za zah. red. V.Ia. Chevhanovoi. Poltava: PoltNTU, 2017. 185 p. [in Ukrainian]. Matvіjchuk N.M. Prioritety realizacii politiki jenergosberezhenija v Ukraine. Economics and management. Juvenisscientia. 2016. No. 1. P. 97-100 [in Russian].
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